Taking Chances!
What is life without living and what’s living without taking chances? — ILÈMRÉ
Its been a month into the final chapters of my undergraduate degree, a slow climax to what has been as interesting experience — one that wouldn’t occur again as I don’t suppose I’ll take another undergraduate course. Even if, I wouldn’t have this same detail of experience.
One would suppose that at my fourth and final year in college, I would have gone through every college experience in the book but that’s a far throw from the truth. While I have indulged myself — a large piece of me knows that I truly haven’t pushed myself to the limit of any possibility.
I have been content with being average, finding complacency in the knowledge that I can do more — yet I never do. Better still, I’ve never done. Of course, I’ve made a million promises to be better but those promises have been quickly forgotten as soon as I’ve made them.
The euphoria that comes from my imagination of doing big things has seemed to be enough for me to carry on, until the next time I soliloquize and realize that since my last trip to la-la-land I in fact haven’t left where I was — Midtown [Mediocre Town]
No, its not negative talk. Its honest talk as I know that I do not put nearly as much effort to things for the results that I would prefer.
I think of these final moments of my undergraduate experience as the final lap in a race. With myself in a race car that has capable engineering yet a hesitant me to drop the pedal to the metal and floor the track!
Jann in the final scenes of the 24Hours of Le Mans in Grand-Turismo
I have nothing to prove to the system, I’m fallen behind by its metrics but I can prove myself a daring driver and steal the highlight for myself by taking the chance and doing everything possible to create the impact that continues after I graduate.
My intentions includes starting a business, a chess club, hosting another
E-sport tournament and hitting a semester average of 4.5 in both semesters.
I understand these projects can’t all happen by solo effort, so I look forward to handling the challenges that will occur as a result of me wanting to steer this race car in a violent roar on this race track.
A handful of setbacks will also come into the mix, still I am willing to dare myself to push the limit of what I know is possible and stay content with the results however they turn out to be.
Seven months left to the climax of this race — Let’s go!!!
*dramatic sounds, gear shift — rapid turbine howls and tire smoke coloring the air — SCCCRRREEECHHHH — VROOOOOOOOMMMMMM!!!